Category: Trails

Switching it up during COVID

Training and Race Cancellations We started to take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously at the running track in early March 2020.  Our three-day-a-week Master’s track group went from hug-greetings, to elbow bumps, to toe-taps to the complete cancellation of all training

Posted in Challenge, Cross training, Fitness Classes, Running, Track, Trails

Halifax Running: Point Pleasant Park

Almost every city in Canada has a great park and I’ve been lost in most of them (possibly not a good claim to fame as a running tour guide, but I’ve also found my way out all the while discovering

Posted in Destination Running, Life lessons, Running, Touring, Tourism, Trails

Running Labrador: Hamilton River Road Bypass Trail

Runway Closure, Day 2 On day two of being one of the “Runway People”, I explored another trail.  You can read about my day one adventure where I ran on the fabulous Birch Island boardwalk trails.  I have to admit,

Posted in Destination Running, Food, Running, Touring, Tourism, Trails

Labrador Running: Birch Island

In early November 2017, I found myself faced with an unexpected stay in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador for a couple of days due to the Goose Bay Airport runway closure. Rather than get all worked up about this extra stay

Posted in Destination Running, Life lessons, Running, Something New, Touring, Trails Tagged with: , , , ,

Summer and Fall 2016

My life was very eventful during the summer and fall of 2016! Having entered into a new age category earlier this year, I managed to win quite a few races in my age division. I also pushed through a selection

Posted in Nanaimo Bars, Racing, Running, Track, Trails, Yoga