Category: Food

Top 10 pre-run Cs

I wrote about 3 of these Cs in a previous blog post, but since that writing, and thanks to comments from friends, I’ve added several more. These are really just helpful hints to assist you in getting up, out the

Posted in Food, Life lessons, Running

Pre-running: the 3 Cs

Everyone has their pre-run or race rituals and I’m no different. It has however taken me years to finely tune these down to just 3 key elements. Sure, I get my gear on, splash water on my face, feed the

Posted in Food, Running

Runner’s Lunch

I unabashedly love bread! After visiting France last April and eating baguettes almost everyday, I continued the tradition as often as I could upon my return. During the week if I’m in downtown Nanaimo and especially after a yoga class

Posted in Food

GottaRun – let’s get this party started!

I have come to the conclusion that it is time to jump into the blogging world and let the business evolve around. Yes, this blog will mostly be about running and related matters, but non-runners can hopefully enjoy and learn

Posted in Food, Running, Touring, Yoga